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Hot Cross Buns!

When I was back at my parents house over New Year I popped into the local Waitrose and found a very unusual product in the free from section. Hot Cross Buns! Not only unusual for the fact that it isn't Easter yet (although shops are already cracking out the Easter Eggs... Pun intended) but also because a product like this is an unusual find. I mean, perhaps if it were just Gluten Free it wouldn't be. Yet this item is Gluten, Dairy and Egg free which got me totally and utterly excited for a new breakfast food.

The next day I gave it a try...


Availability of Product:

Well, considering it was the first and only time I have seen this product I believe that speaks volumes. I hadn't even heard of the brand before though since I have had a little look online for what they specialise in and where their products might be found. From what I can see, they are a small company that started out 10 years ago based in Motherwell. They specialise in making Gluten free bread products that resemble the best wheat breads out there.

They deliver with a minimum of £12 from their website, though I cannot see anything specific about suppliers. The only place I have seen them is in the one Waitrose in Southampton, just their Hot Cross Buns though. Nothing more.


Easiness of Cooking:

As it is just a Hot Cross Bun, there isn't that much work to go into this part. Well apart from the fact you really need a toaster, something I actually don't have at my own home as being Gluten Free toasting bread isn't a huge necessity, thankfully my parents do have one. So I won't mark this part, except to say it cooked to the way you'd expect, browning off nicely and it cut easily without crumbling.

Quality of Taste:

As soon as the packet was opened a wonderful smell of spices and dough drifted out. They smelt just like the real thing. Tearing them away from the others in the packet was easy, leaving the characteristic doughy edges on each side. When cutting them the bun was squidgy, soft and packed full of raisins without any crumbling when cut in half. As soon as they were out of the toaster, I was super excited to try it but just in case I didn't like them I only had one at a time.

I'm very sad to say that the Hot Cross Buns were a huge disappointment, when I first took a bite I was met with so many spices and flavours my tastebuds didn't have a clue what was going on. Then there were bits in the dough that had clumped together making it an uncomfortable texture to eat. The raisins were also somehow bunched and they weren't tasty at all. Thinking I must be wrong, because it was something new and I didn't want to reject anything that I could eat, I made another one. This time, trying to mask it with Strawberry Jam. This just made it worse, the sweetness and the bitterness just made me feel terrible. I had to stop eating it halfway through, even then for hours afterwards no matter how strong the flavour of drink or gum I could not get the bitter horrible taste out of my mouth.



I will express, that this is simply my opinion and my tastebuds are probably a lot different to others. Especially after being a Gluten Free Vegan for over 2 years now! However, this really wasn't up to a standard I would like and I was very disappointed after being so excited when I first found them. I hope that their Gluten Free Bread is as delicious as they say it is. Perhaps extending out to a sweet pastry wasn't a good idea when mastering and going after the best Gluten Free Bread in the business is their company goal.

I would like to say at this point, there are some food products that simply cannot be recreated. Although I long for a doughy in the middle, flaky on the outside Croissant. I know that this is something that is just not possible with the food lifestyle that I have, so instead you make adjustments and find new things that suit yourself better. I definitely learn this lesson when I find products like this, they just don't add up to the real thing. Sometimes it is best to have the memory and let it lie!

Short and not so sweet blog today, I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the year so far. I am going to try a little baking tomorrow! It's been a while, so don't judge the photos! Until then, Happy Veganuary!

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