After my fail at baking last week, I've decided that quitters never win and winners never quit (old family saying). This time I went for another recipe that sounded a little more regular and you'll be pleased to hear it isn't from a packet mix! I was googling Gluten Free Vegan recipes and a Brownie popped up from a website called Gluten Free Palate. I delved in to find there were plenty of other recipes on there, all Gluten Free and quite a lot Dairy free. The Egg part was simple too, just replace any Eggs in the recipes with Flax Eggs.
So today, I went out to get the remaining ingredients. Ground Flax seed still hasn't quite made it to the main supermarkets yet so a few detours later and I came back with some, plus more Violife Cheese and Burritos from Holland & Barrett. I can't ever seem to go to H&B and come out with just the one thing that I went in there for! They get me right in the health food feels.
Of course when I saw that there was a Cinnamon Swirl Cake on the website I had to give it a go. I loved Cinnabon and the idea of recreating it in a small way was exciting. I must admit, it was the best decision to try to make cake again as this one was a complete and utter triumph! I can't believe how well it went, I had to check it was me making it! The smell was enough to drive me insane waiting for it to cool, then when finally it was time to taste it the oozy moist yet crumbly texture was insane. Best cake I've ever made. Ever.
So here it is, adapted to Becki Friendly, UK ingredients and a real life tester...
Ingredients (Cake):
1 1/2 US cups or 192g Plain Gluten free Flour
1/4 tsp Salt
2 tsp Baking Powder
1/3 US cup or 43g Caster Sugar
3/4 US cup or 175ml Almond Milk
1 Flax Egg (1tbsp of Flax with 3 tbsp Water)
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1/4 US cup or 32g Dairy Free Butter (I use Vitalite)
Ingredients (Cinnamon Swirl):
1/4 US cup or 32g Dairy Free Butter
1/4 US cup or 32g Brown Sugar
1 tsp Ground Cinnamon
Ingredients (Icing):
1 US cup or 128g Icing Sugar
1 tsp Ground Cinnamon
2 tbsp Almond Milk
1: Turn on the oven, heat it to 180c and grease a round cake tin with Dairy Free Butter.
2: Weigh out the Flour, Salt, Baking Powder and Caster Sugar, combining together into a bowl.
3: Melt the Butter, set aside and mix 1 tbsp of Ground Flaxseed with 3 tbsp of Water in a separate bowl or mug.
4: Put the Vanilla extract, melted Butter, Flax Egg and Milk to the dry ingredient bowl. Mixing well.
5: Once the mixture is completely combined, set aside and start on the swirl. Get out another smaller bowl for the Cinnamon Swirl part.
6: Weigh out the Brown Sugar and put in the new bowl with the Cinnamon. Melt the butter and add, mixing well to get the lumps out.
7: Pour out the Cake mixture into the greased tin, ensuring that it is evenly covered and bubble free, I like to drop the tin onto the work surface. From a small height of course!
8: Pour the Cinnamon Swirl mixture over the top of the Cake mix. Then swirl the Cinnamon mix in, I did this with the end of a spoon. Next time I would make it a little more even across the whole cake though as mine was pooled in the middle.
9: Put in the oven for about 25 minutes, until you can put a skewer in the middle and it comes out clean.
10: Let the Cake completely cool before making the Icing. I had some dinner to take my famished Cake hungry mind away from the most amazing smell of the Cinnamon.
11: To make the Icing, measure out the Icing Sugar and then sift it all into a bowl. Ensure it is finely sieved as this will ensure no lumps and a wonderfully smooth Icing.
12: Add the Cinnamon and the Milk, very slowly start to whisk together and the beat completely until shiny smooth!
13: Take the cake out of the tin carefully, placing it it's cake box. Drizzle across the cake, be aware that it will ooze off as it is a wet Icing and therefore is there to seep into the cracks of the Cinnamon in the cake adding to the moisture.
14: Enjoy the most gooey and oozy cinnamon delight of a cake!
This is 100% the best cake I have made since going Gluten free Vegan. I recommend anyone to make this, it's so crumbly and gooey at the same time. Just pure gold!
Enjoy if you give it a go, I'll be making it again plus if you'd like to check out where I got the recipe from it is I'll be going back to that website for more inspiration!
Happy Veganuary Day 24!